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I am. So far, that's all I fully understand. Everything else is really just experiences that my mind uses my body to perceive. I believe that I (by which I mean spirit/consciousness /awareness) am/was/will be permanent, infinite. I believe I existed before this human incarnation. So, I believe I am consciousness. I also believe I am a spiritual offspring, or if you will, a cell that reproduced. My current concept of God is a spiritual stem cell from which all other cells have reproduced. So, I wonder if all spiritual beings began as part of a spiritual Big Bang, that God began. Perhaps, just as my physical incarnation contains a combination of my ancestors' DNA, my spiritual substance has also evolved since that Big Bang? Perhaps conceptions like, "We are all part of one body." refer to a spiritual entity? Perhaps our spiritual beings are 'thoughts' of God? So, I also believe I am love. I am compassion. I am joy. Human limitations make it difficult for my mind to conceive what, if any, boundaries exist between the mind and the spirit. I currently believe the spirit is, at minimum, what I began this incarnation with. I believe my mind is what has grown in my brain since then. I wonder how much, if any, of that will continue after the brain dies. I believe there is some part of me, outside my mind, that influences my mind. It prompts decisions. I believe that has grown throughout my current biological history and will continue to grow for eternity.